My kids are so overly's not funny. I've been pushing a camera in their faces nearly daily ever since they were born...documenting every detail of their little lives...but that doesn't stop them from acting up & not cooperating.
They are 2 and 4 after all...and it's in their nature to be restless! I'm just thankful they get along as well as they do.
You may ask how did I get them to behave so well? My answer is simple bribery! It works like a charm! I know what they like and dangle it in front of them like a carrot before a donkey!

You can see in this photo.... the challenge I had to get them to behave...this is the 'behind the scenes' photo... where I'm scrambling to just get them to stand next to each other & have them both look at the camera at the same time!

I probably should put this one on my card...simply because it's how they 'really' are!
...And they are tremendous fun!
It's difficult for me as their mom to choose which one to go with for our annual holiday cards...because in my eyes they're all adorable... so I may have a few of each printed & mix them up for the different people on my list.