Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MissPrettyPretty has Proven a Child's Imagination is Bigger Than a Card Table!

Kids have big imaginations!

In fact their imaginations are larger than a card table!

This may look like a card table with a sheet thrown over it ... but to my kids, this is a castle...clubhouse...pirate ship...haunted house...& train station!

I remember playing in closets, under the bed, & 'under the table' as a child... it was a magical world of my own...which I shared (sometimes reluctantly) with my brother.

There is a fabulous shop on etsy called missprettypretty ...who's owner has a great imagination & has made card table play houses beautiful & oh so fun for children!

Her award winning 'little red card table playhouse' is perfect for boys or girls! You can read allbout it in Etsy's Storque article on eco friendly kids toys: http://www.etsy.com/storque/spotlight/etsy-finds-eco-toys-for-tots-naturally-3642/
The 'fire station' promises fun for any little guy! Attention to details such as the cat in the tree & the flag are so wonderful!

I love the 'cupcakery' play house...with over 40+ interactive removable pieces to play with! It's like a felt play board and sweet secret hideaway all in one! Sure to keep kids busy & happy!

Her 'fairy cottage' comes with it's own fabulous interactive elements such as puppets, a mailbox with letters, and apples to pick!

Customization of missprettypretty's products is available...just send her a convo (message) through etsy & see what wonderful & unique creations she could make for your little ones!


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Diary of a Crafty Chica: Nana-style Earring Bracelet

Diary of a Crafty Chica: Nana-style Earring Bracelet

Years ago I inherited so much of my great aunt's fabulous costume jewelry! The only problem is I can't wear many of the pieces due to lost stones or broken jewelry findings such as clasps & earring backings. With this great idea I saw over on Crafty Chica's blog...the possibilities for revamping Aunt Do's jewelry into something not only sentimental ...but useful once again... are endless!

Thank you Kathy Cano-Murillo!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fascinating Fascinator/Hair Clippie for Tots with Fine Hair...as Well as for Mommies who Like to Feel Pretty!

Baby hair is so fine & sometimes uncontrollable...so it's fabulous when I come across something that really holds & makes my little girl feel all dolled up!

This sweet 'must have' accessory is handmade in Madrid by the talented Lilzahira on Etsy!

Not only is it a hair clippie, but it can also be a brooch! I borrow it sometimes...until DD makes me give it up!

Here are some other items that caught my eye:

Another color combination for the clippie/brooch called 'moss' ... it looks so dressy in grown up's hair too don't you think?

Stunning pink & black beaded choker... isn't it scrumptious?
My favorite color!

I also love some of Lilzahira's more 'gothic' looking beadwork like this red & black beaded cross.
She has many styles & colors available...so if this makes you hungry for more, you're going to have to check out her shop for yourself!

If you haven't considered shopping for handmade items internationally...why not give it a try? You could be missing out on something wonderful!

I highly recommend Lilzahira because of her quality & attention to detail in her work...as well as beautifully packaging her items for shipment. She is very convo-friendly...a total joy to do business with & her English is fabulous! I had no idea that English was a second language for her! She also speaks French & Spanish! ...so communication was great!

She puts a lot of love into what she does...so why not check out her shop for yourself?


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Decorating a Child's World Beautiful...

I love my kids' rooms...it's just so relaxing and wonderful in their own magical spaces.
Even when they are a mess, which is all the time, I love just sitting in there while they play & looking at the things we've hung on their walls.

I've introduced my kids to all kinds of visual stimulation for as long as I've had kids! Babygirl saw her first real Warhol piece at the Dayton Art Institute's Marilyn exhibit before her second birthday...because mommy wanted to go & had no babysitter. I think she really enjoyed herself too!

We've decorated the walls of their rooms with a variety of things...taking into consideration what suits the kid's personalities.

Here are a few items in my daughter's room:

...a photo of my fairy baby... taken by mommy...and now her favorite activity is playing dress up!

...a couple of favorite newborn sized outfits ...reminds me of how tiny she used to be...

...a painting of a fairy castle...done by a personal friend...whose talent & creativity cannot be captured in words. If the house caught fire... this is one of the things I'd want to grab on the way out... it is stunning in person...she must've painted a million little colorful dots with a 1 or 2 bristle brush...

...one of mommy's drawings of a little girl... because she saw it in my craft room & liked it...we moved it into her room...not that she's spoiled just a little! LOL!

In my boy's room we started out decorating with a little retro/vintage flair...

I picked these up at a flea market in Chicago...they're just pages from an old 'Dick & Jane' book that have been mounted & framed...

...these are vintage die cut nursery wall art ...that used to hang in my husband's nursery...as well as his father's... I love them to pieces!

...this is a cross stitch panel done by the kids' loving aunt... she's wicked talented with a needle!

...and this piece is a photo that my son & I purchased together from an etsy shop called WideEyedPhotos... http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=15773673
...we were searching for trains...and came up with this sweet little Jack Russell Terrier standing on some tracks. He loves it... and so do I!

I hope you liked looking & if you have kids...or are going to have kids...hope you enjoy their rooms as much as I enjoy mine!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Jumping is FUN!

I wish there was a way I could bottle his energy to use myself!

We didn't put a box spring under his mattress so his bed would be low enough for him to jump without making me worry much about him falling off. One time he did hit the wall...but was okay.

I face the fact that if a kid has a bed...they're going to jump on it whether or not they're allowed to do it...so might as well make it as safe as possible. With a kid like this....can you blame me? His little sister has been jumping in her crib ever since she could stand...so I'll be ready to do the same for her when she graduates to a big girl bed.
