Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nature's Colors...decorating for Halloween too...

An October sky...I love how blue it looks against the foliage!

Sunlight makes these leaves really glow!

I took this one in the morning while it was still hazy and overcast.

We broke out our Halloween decorations last week. I don't have them all out because some are too spooky for the kids, but these great vintage lights really make the place a little more festive!

My boy gave me his approval...saying, 'they're not scary mama...they're decorations!' ;^)


Bimbo Baggins said...

How pretty.

I found you on twitter. You added me and I'm a blog whore, so I came on over to check ya out.

Hello there! My name is June said...

Glad you did! Welcome to my blog. I'm updating it more and more frequently these days as the weather gets colder! Less time outside = more time at the computer!
